Training Through the Reserve Weekend

Training Through the Reserve Weekend

It can be challenging to train through a reserve weekend. With the way my training week is typically structured, the weekend is for longer runs and I typically accumulate 25 or 35 miles over Saturday and Sunday. Since leaving active duty for the reserves, I have had to be creative with how I get my mileage when I do not have time to go out for a long run on the weekend. 

Over the course of my training block for the Moab Red Hot 50 miler, I wanted to get in a few 70-mile weeks. During a reserve week I have found that the best way to train is to do more mileage on weekdays. This is a good training stimulus as it adds in some back-to-back longer days without being so long that I am not ready for the next training day. Below is how my reserve week training looks. 


Mileage: 1.33

Training Focus: Rest

Supplements: Creatine and Collagen

Mondays are always my rest days. I only run a mile to keep my streak and I focus on reducing stress and relaxing. Typically, I may read a book and skip homework. This Monday though, I ran a mile at lunch and went snowboarding after work.



Mileage: 15.2

Training Focus: Easy miles

Supplements: Protein, Creatine, and Collagen

The training focus for today was to just get in 15 miles at an easy pace. Easy days are important for accumulating mileage without adding in too much stress. 


Mileage: 15.1

Training Focus: 20 minutes of tempo

Supplements: Protein, Creatine, and Collagen

I like to put tempo towards the ends of my runs to simulate pushing during the late stages of a race. I started tempo around mile 10 of this run and hit 20 minutes around mile 13. 


Mileage: 15.21

Training Focus: Easy Recovery

Supplements: Protein, Creatine, and Collagen

After doing a tempo run the previous day, it was time to recover while still getting in the miles. This meant doing an easy run day where my heart rate did not get above 135. This allowed me to still get 15 miles and move the needle but was not a strong effort that I would take a while to recover from. 


Mileage: 15.23

Training Focus: Fartlek’s

Supplements: Protein, Creatine, and Collagen

This was the last day of 15 miles for the week and I wanted to make it a good training session. I kept the pace easy for the first half and then introduced some sprints into the second half. The sprints were all out for an undefined period. I used bushes, telephone poles, cracks in the trail, or various other landmarks to determine where to start and stop. 


Mileage: 5.24

Training Focus: Easy miles

Supplements: Protein, Creatine, and Collagen

This was a reserve day and I also had a finance test due so I did not have much time to run. I went out for an easy run and just got in five miles. 


Mileage: 2.7

Training Focus: Easy miles

Supplements: Creatine, and Collagen

After work on Sunday, I was just looking to wrap up my weekly mileage. It had been a solid week of training and a good reserve weekend, but I was glad to put my feet up in the evening. 

Weekly Training Summary

Total Mileage: 70.1

Supplements: Protein, Creatine, and Collagen

All through the week I felt healthy with no real aches or pains. Over nearly 20 years of running, I have found that a significant focus on rest and recovery helps me get out the door every day. I also rely heavily on Creatine, Protein, and Collagen supplements. With the stress on my body of running every day, I believe these supplements help optimize recovery and steadily increase my fitness. 

Maintaining consistent training when I can’t easily do a long run on the weekend take a little extra effort and time during the weekdays but it’s worth it. Putting together a few 70-mile weeks was a great confidence builder for an early season race and will be a good steppingstone for spring and summer races.

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